BSAFE onboard security

Onboard Security

As the maritime world becomes more complex, so do the security threats

The risks to shipping and seafarers from various, sometimes unseen, adversaries are, unfortunately, always present. The need to take sensible best practice precautions and maintain vigilance has therefore never been greater. This section provides general guidance about how to safeguard against some of the most common security threats faced by seafarers, which we have categorised as Physical Security, Stowaways and Cyber Security.

More details of each of these three topics are provided in the relevant sections of the BSafe site, including the following articles that have been developed by the Britannia Loss Prevention and People Risk departments.

What to do if a stowaway is located on board? This short article provides useful advice to the master and other crewmembers on the required protocol and how the Club can assist

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Published: 12 November 2020

The threat of malicious cyber attacks poses an ongoing and increasing risk to ships and the shore-based systems that support them. The cost of cyber attacks worldwide is startling, with global costs from cyber crime predicted to exceed USD 10 trillion by 2025. Although shipping remains a small part of this total, cyber attacks in … Continue reading MARITIME CYBER RESILIENCE – THE ROLE OF CYBER SECURITY IN PROTECTING SHIPS AND SHORE-BASED SYSTEMS FROM ATTACK


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Published: 2 July 2024

Published: 24 March 2021

Keeping the crew safe is the highest priority. This guidance provides valuable advice as to how security measures can be implemented to increase the onboard safety and takes into account industry best practices


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Published: 12 November 2020

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We highlight some recent cases where stowaways have been found on board which provide valuable lessons and stress the importance of having proper on board precautions. As part of BSafe, we will aim to publish regular reports on stowaway incidents in order to share the lessons learned

Due to its strict regulations, there may be even more severe consequences for the ship in cases involving stowaways embarking in South Africa. This article provides guidance on additional precautions to be taken when in South African waters.

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Published: 12 November 2020

A ship may be the target of smugglers seeking to use it for transporting their illegal substances. This guidance provides valuable advice on preventing your ship unintentionally becoming a part of an illegal smuggling operation


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Published: 4 May 2020

Piracy remains one of the main security threats and these articles helps understand the impact piracy has on the shipping industry from an insurance perspective, and the efforts taken to try and mitigate the risk

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Published: 3 July 2018
