RULE BOOKS 2020/21

Anthony Banya

Published: 9 January 2020

To reduce our environmental impact the club will no longer print Rule Books for Class 3 (P&I) and Class 6 (FD&D).  There will be PDF versions online which will be interactive and fully searchable and should therefore be much easier to use and to navigate.

  1. PDF versions will be sent by email to Members for distribution to their entered ships. If required, hard copies could then be printed off locally; and
  2. PDF versions will also be available on the Britannia website which can be downloaded and read offline.

The Class 3 (P&I) PDF will no longer include the list of correspondents.  The correspondents details (which are updated throughout the year) are easily accessible from the homepage of the Britannia website and a regularly updated list of their details in PDF is available in the publications section.  Again, this can be downloaded and read off line or can be printed out in hard copy if required.

